Thursday, December 30, 2010

Got a job!! :D

Well, a new, and maybe a tiny bit better job!

Ok, I loved my last job, which was working in a Christmas shop, but this new job, oh this new job, is the best thing ever.

I have got a job working for the one and only RAW RESTAURANT in Christchurch!! Well, they also sell some vegan stuff, but it sells mostly raw things. Not only that, but apparently my job will entail 'eventually working in the kitchen' but the thing is, the main chef is actually one of the top 50 raw vegan chefs in the world! Yes, I am very happy.

Me and my mum had been going there for awhile, and we got an email the other day asking if I would like to work for them. And of course I said yes.

{Images courtesy of... someone. Sorry I don't know!}

Felic Pear x


  1. good news ! i 'm so happy for you !

  2. Congratulations on your new job, what a fantastic opportunity. I bet you will have a blast working there!!
    I am going to go get certified as a raw chef in the new year. There is a killer place in Michigan that does a jam packed weekend of intensive raw food prep and by the end I will have my certification. Can't wait.
    Peace & Raw Health,

  3. Thank you.

    I'm so excited for the job. It is in my area of expertise, and it is definitely something that I am interested in and can talk about forever, at my last job I was constantly having to refer to my coworkers if I needed to know something, with this one though I don't think I'll be needing to so much :)

  4. Congratulations, what a perfect way to end 2010 and head into 2011

  5. Congrats! That's awesome! I definitely want to find the time to go back into working for some local food place that agrees with my choices. My experiences doing that have been super positive (and life-changing) so far, so I hope it's just as wonderful for you!
    Happy New Year!


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