Monday, November 15, 2010

The Official Raw Vegan Ice Cream Cone

Creamy Chocolate Ice Cream with Chia Cone

I didn't invent this, sadly, my mother did! We had left over fruit pulp from juicing, so, using the power of water + chia seeds (anyone who has used chia seeds and water will know what happens...) + pulp = cone.

Even though I was the one who did the whole Ice Cream Week, but my mum's ice cream is truly the best I have ever tasted. Raw or otherwise! It is even good when put in the freezer, it is still creamy and melts in the mouth. I don't know how, I don't do chemistry, but somethin' happens and you just end up with a bowl of deliciousness.


  1. these looks so fun Felicity!!! Good work lady :o)

    I miss our g-mail chats, its' been awhile, I hope all is well, MUCH LOVE TO YOU xoxox

  2. what a great and simple idea - I love it!

  3. thanks for following me! i'm glad to see another teenager who doesn't eat mcdonalds and candy for every meal :)

  4. Wow, are you a teenager!! :0 That's so cool! How old are you?

    Glad there is someone else out there too!

    Felic X

  5. HEY!!! I'll be in christchurch and hoping to travel around the south including castle hill. Whats up!? You live there?! email me -


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