They all looked SOOO good! I had a difficult time choosing just a few! Her eBook at a glance is exquisite. I have always loved her photographs, and her recipes are always exceptional. The great thing was that when I was looking through the eBook, I realized that I wouldn't actually need to buy too many ingredients, we already had a lot of them, which is always a fantastic bonus :D
So I planned a Raw Italian Feast with:
Stuffed Baby Bella Mushrooms
Al Dente Zucchini Pasta, with Mama Meat-less Meat Sauce
Pizzelle Ice Cream
The first item on the menu was the entrée of Stuffed Baby Bella Mushrooms.

The next item on the menu was the Al Dente Zucchini Pasta, with Mama Meat-less Meat Sauce.

Stuffed Baby Bella Mushrooms with Zesty Italian Cheese
These are so incredibly easy to make, and the taste... oh the taste. I was trying to figure out why they were so amazing when I was eating them. Was it the soft warm mushroom, the savory cream... or the crumbled sausage on top. I couldn't figure it out. In the end I concluded that it was 'all of it'. Three completely different textures harmonize perfectly, and this is coming from someone who used to hate mushrooms - I am now converted!
I could see these being the hit of a party as well. They are so unsuspecting... but when you take that first bite, you will never look back.
Fresh outta the dehydrator!
The next item on the menu was the Al Dente Zucchini Pasta, with Mama Meat-less Meat Sauce.
Al Dente Zucchini Pasta, with Mama Meat-less Meat Sauce
I really love these recipes, because I find them SO EASY to prepare! This took me something like half an hour to make, and I have got to say, the taste was sensational. I followed Meredith's serving suggestion, and I served with some Zesty Italian Cheese on top. As well as looking impressive, this was also very filling.

Me becoming impatient and deciding to start eating
Whether you are new to raw or a seasoned pro, you have to taste this ice cream. It is completely indescribable - I can't even find words to explain the taste. Pure indulgence. I have tasted quite a few different ice creams in my time (raw and non raw) and I can actually say that this is the best ice cream in the whole wide world. Yes. I wasn't paid to say that, either, but I have to admit, I was gasping in shock as I ate it, it is that amazing. You will not be disappointed.

So what are you waiting for! If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the eBook which is only USD$11.11 (make a wish, haha), click here.

Pizzelle Ice Cream A.K.A The Best Ice Cream in the World
I am so impressed! I have truly had a feast, and the great thing is, these recipes are so easy (even for me with my terrible kitchen skills) with ingredients that don't cost the earth. They are so versatile that if you are missing one ingredient, it can often be very easily substituted. I am so eager to continue this feast and finish all the recipes in the book, and it is a possibility, because a lot of the recipes re-use other recipes in the book, verrry clever.